Turquie photos - Roxane photo - Turkey pictures

Photos Mardin (Mêrdîn, Tur Abdin) Turquie
Mardin pictures (Tur Abdin) Turkey

Photos Turquie | Mardin Turquie Photos Mardin Turkey

Monastère du Safran - Deyrul Zafaran monastery - Mardin

Monastère du Safran - Deyrul Zafaran monastery - Mardin
Photo Mardin Turquie Photos Mardin Turkey photos pictures

Au XIIe siècle, Michel le Syrien, originaire de Malatya, fit du monastère du Safran le siège patriarcal de l'Eglise syriaque orthodoxe.

In the twelfth century, Michael the Syrian, originally from Malatya, made the Saffron Monastery the patriarchal seat of the Syriac Orthodox Church.

Blog Roxane photo : Mardin

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The rights of this photo are managed by La Saif images. To obtain a permission to use, please send an e-mail to : lasaifimages@saif.fr with the file name : 03998-20040917mard47dia05.jpg

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